Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Current Working Directory

Press the power button on your Linux system, and after few moments you see the  login prompt. If you are in GUI  press CTRL+ALT+F1 to switch CLI. If you cannot get Login prompt in CLI  try CTRL+ALT+F2, to CTRL+ALT+F7 when you get login prompt login us normal user.

If you are login in a Terminal you get like this output.


pwd is a commad  to find the name of working directory. Working directory is a directory that you are standing in. directory called folders in other systems.

just type pwd command in terminal you get this output. In this picture our working directory is /home/user.

When you first log on to a Linux system, the working directory is set to your home directory. This is where you put your files. On most systems, your home directory will be called /home/your_user_name, but it can be anything according to the whims of the system administrator.

Next >> List Files and Directories

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